To Work Or Not To Work...
Okay, finally I've made up my mind on what not to do. I had declined the full-time job that I succesfully interviewed for. Instead, I have signed up with two agencies (kiasu?) to do free-lance work, so that I may accept part-time assignments at the convenience of my own time, which may vary from full-day, to half-day, or even a-few-hours-a-day job. This is to afford me greater flexibility as Joseph has a number of appointments to keep till year-end.
Whew, I never knew a toddler's calendar could be so full. First of all, he was referred to the Child Development Clinic in June because he hasn't started speaking yet. Peadiatrician A w

In August, Joseph will see Paediatrician B, the respiratory specialist who attended to his case while he was hospitalised two months ago. Right now, his steroid inhaler's dosage had been halved, so prayerfully, at the next check-up with Dr Chng, Joseph could stop the medication altogether. Yep, looking forward to that very much, then there would be no more ringing alarms every night to remind me to let Joseph have the inhaler.
In November, Joseph has to see Paediatrician A again, the doctor who saw him since he was a neonate. By then, I'm sure Dr Lau would be assured about Joseph's delayed expressive skills, even better if I could have Joseph trained to greet him, "Hello, Doctor!" or something like that.
Besides these appointments, there are going to be a few days that the centre which Joseph attends will be closed, so I need to be around to take care of him. As keen as I am to have a full-time permanent job now, I don't think it would be fair to my employer to take so many off-days soon after commencing with the company. Thus my reasons for opting to be a free-lance agent. However, the said company, on hearing my (valid) reasons, has kindly invited me to re-apply for the post again at year-end when things are more settled with my child. The HR Dept informed me that they have plans to hire more staff next year. Alright, I will keep my eyes peeled for other opportunities besides this "ventured turf".
Lord Jesus, I pray for your guidance in my career path, and may I be sensitive to Your leading to go where You want to bless me. Thank You for Your unending love, especially in letting Joseph be found when I so carelessly lost him in Orchard Road last Thursday. I praise You and thank You, my ever faithful Lord!
After reading dis, it brought my memory back 2 my girl when she was young, having 2 go thru' so many appt, check-ups, etc... It's not easy but it's always easy wif Our Dear Abba Father. Now, the check-up have cut 2-3 appt per year. PTL! for His Mercies Endures 4ever!
Juz now was reading thru' all d blogs including others...wanted so much 2 do it but...Me a "computer paralyse"...HeeHeeHee. U wait longer, I ask my king 2 "HELPPP". Hopefully, can get it done soon
Got d add ready, but..."Blogging in Progress..."
Hi Cynthia,
Jenny here..will look forward to yr blog :)Visited yr blog but under construction lah..heehee :)
wow, cynthia! wif de help of yr king, he'll surely make yr blog sui-sui wan, donch wori... look forward to visiting yr site...!
Hahaha, pai seh. Still trying 2 find d right button. My king help me publish, juz wrote 1 intro, a short one. Nxt time, if hv time, will make him sit dwn wif me n teach me more. Grace Grace!
actually same here too, last time when ezekiel is still small, he also got to run a few rounds for check up and stuff like that, if u really want some part time jobs, can recommend some to u, do feel free to contact me =]
hi all, blog site up already liao.
thanks for informing us, director lee... yahoo, i go visit now...!
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