Maybe Baby, Maybe Not

Well, William finally said it. He thinks it's enough to have just one child. He is very satisfied with his son, Joseph. Let's not have another baby, he said. I have to admit I was a little disappointed to hear that, but am glad nonetheless that he vocalised his thoughts to me. I would not have a second child if I was the only one feeling thrilled about it.
You see, William is a caveman. Oh, I don't mean it as a derogatory term. Far from it, I've learnt to recognise and acquaint myself with this side of him. The cavemen of yore, they were hunters, not talkers. They leave the cave when daylight breaks to hunt animals, and bring food home to feed the family. In their spare time they fix or sharpen the weapons that helped them bring down beasts, for protection or for meat. Whenever the wife needed help around the cave-home, he nods or grunts in assent and sets to work on whatever that needed his attention.
That's William. Always reliable, you can bank on him to do his bit for the home. He brings back the dough, he helps around the house, he even babysits Joseph when I needed to go out for the evening. He's inclined to say "yes" to anything I want, just to make me happy. A caveman, who works hard for the family.
But I don't want to have my say or my way in everything, especially the decision to have another child, it is a very major one indeed. Initially William did say he's fine with it if I am ready to get "big" again, and go through those sleepless nights (caring for a newborn) all over again. But somehow I did not feel the peace within me to try and conceive then. I'm glad I didn't, for now I know the reason I felt a restraint was because William wasn't really ready.
Anyway, I'll just leave it to the Lord. In future, should we decide have a second baby, He shall put the desire into both our hearts. Jesus, our Lord, we love You.
yes and amen to william being a very reliable man whom u can count on.My hubby and I enjoyed his friendship during our 'younger' days at TPCG and even now, still a resounding yes....just a little busy now with our babies, must hv a get together session to catch up ;)
Haha, my hubby is also very contented with our prince though I wld love to have another princess to compiment the royal family - heehee ;0 My prince is quite open to the idea of a younger sibling though so...nothing is firmed - haha - 'scar li' next moment , u see me 'big big ' ;P
thanks, edna. i look forward to reading some more updates from yr blogs too. did u notice i added links to both yr blogs on my blogpage (left column)?
thanks, jenny. when u do have a "princess" i'm sure she'll be a beauty! look forward to yr "big" time.. hee..
harlo, i happen to chance upon your blog thru joshua's blog. Not sure if u can remember me (from ncc). But hey, u've got a great blog going! I lurve e way u express yourself so explicitly.
hi "mother hen",
do identify yrself, i'd like to noe u too. tried searching for yr face on yr blog, but alas, (as expected, heee.. ) it was crowded with sweet kara's pics.
I dun tink u will be able to recall who i am until u see me personally. Anyway, I am e von. diana's best friend?!
~gasp~ oh..! u r de pretty pretty girl evon?
hi siew chin,
in whatever just commit to the Lord, last time eugene and me were also deciding 1 or 2, as ezekiel grow the time that we need to give me we realised that we really have no more time if we'll have another one. so now we'll still stick to 1, and we're quite happy with it.
i also do agree with edna, it's thru reading your blog i get to know u better too, and do enjoy reading it.
abi =]
thanks abi! look forward to reading updates in yr blog too!
hi evon! i noe who u r oredi (drama min), and i knew caleb too, but he may not rmb who i am. mayb we shall all bump into each other in ncc soon :)
siew chin, wa, u remember me? sob sob, i m so touched! hee! i was abt 2 give clues like deacon david holland cg etc. caleb still remembers u. Ya, jenny, u n i shd all meet up! :)
yeah, why not? find a time, we can meet for "mother talk", wahahaha...!
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