Freely Free

The fact is, I can only accept assignments proper next week, because I have to help Joseph settle down at the childcare centre on his first three days. Orientation, they call it. Ha ha... more like "detachment drill" for the parents, I think!
So before I'm ready to say "Yes" to any job, I've circled around at least three "on-off" assignments. First, there was this medical conference whereby I'm to be the assistant to a surgeon. An aesthetic surgeon, to be precise. Hello, I've not done aesthetic surgery, and in a conference, no less, it sure sounded high-brow business to me. No way, I'm not about to bungle on my first job, however glamorous it may sound. I had to turn it down.
Then, there was this twice-a-week duty in the treatment room at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Okay, a comfortable pace for someone fresh from a homemaker's mould, I thought. A few days later though, I got a call to say the cosy arrangement's off, they've got something else for me. A two week posting in the Radiology Dept of Gleneagles Hospital. The only catch is, I need to start work on the last week of May. Hey, are we forgetting something here? How am I supposed to make that work out when my son is only starting his childcare in June? Ooh, these people at the agency are aggressive, that they are.
I had just got another call today. They've matched me to be research assistant in NUS for two weeks starting 5 June, where I'm required to do phlebotomy (blood-taking) and IV cannulation, besides the usual paper work. Best of all, it's office hours and I get the exposure of doing something I'd like to branch out in future, i.e. to be a research nurse.
Bear in mind though, the image of a freely bouncing ball. I wonder how tight this latest arrangement is going to turn out to be...?
HAppy for u..happy to hear that there r so many gd deals for u...may the lord increases yr productivity ( work short hrs, bring in a lot of $$$ )...
I am in the 'same boat' as u too...Looking forward to my new half day job. Gonna settle Joshua down @ Pat's Junior Sch house in later of June..They give me 1-2 weeks to be with him - grace grace to both our 'new venture' :) Heehee
Our next 'phase' of lives n our children - gonna be exciting !
wow...really happy for u, indeed it is over-flowing blessings, so many offers at a go. sad u not joining me, but any time u feel like teaching just let me know, ok =]
hi abi,
thanks for yr offer, will consider at later date. now, wanna be in my comfort zone for awhile first... btw hope yr eye is ok now!
Thk God my eye has recovered, it was a rather fast recovery, initially doc was saying that he is not very optimistic over the recovery time, after the swell subsided, there's a lump at the edge of my eye, so went back to the gp, he slit the lump and squezzed out the pass, it was very pain har, but glad that it's being removed =]
joseph, u look so cute and handsome. u've really grown a lot. u look so boyish now =]
thanks abi, joseph grew taller and thinner. at times i miss his chubbiness...
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