Haze Hate

Haze, haze, go away, don't ever come back, not even for a day!! Ugh, I've really had enough of these hazy days, makes me feel like I need to give my eye a good rub to see clearly, on those truly bad days.
I wonder if smokers are affected the same way I am, by this haze. I mean, don't they already shroud themselves in thick unhealthy smoke daily, assaulting their lungs with harmful substances on a regular basis? Wouldn't it simply be a "I'm in smokers' heaven!" experience for them?
Alright, people may argue that ciggy smoke and haze from forest fires are poles apart. Smokers too, may be as irritated by haze as any other individual. My point is that smokers should just learn to stub it out in public places, they are as irresponsible as illiterate farmers if they choose to think it is their right to light up, be it a cigarette or a whole forest of trees.
Anyway, I really miss reading and writing, my favourite of favourite hobbies. Don't have the luxury of idle time these days, and I can hardly wait for my present assignment to end in mid-November, after which I plan to take a short break and allow myself a chance to scrutinise the brochures sent to me from Writers' Bureau since more than two months ago. It'd be great to be able to pursue a course I'm immensely interested in, for once in my entire life.
Joseph is a strapping two-year-four-month toddler now, often mistaken for being a year older by the aunties we bump into within our neighbourhood. He still doesn't call "Daddy", "Mummy", "Papa", or "Mama" yet. However, he loves flipping his picture books and calling out the objects he recognises on the pages, e.g. kite, horse, queen, kettle, ball, apple, duck, etc. He knows a goat when he sees one, and while he may not exhibit the learning abilities of genius calibre (yet), he is able to make a connection between the small letter "g" with the number "6", he only has to turn the "g" upside down, and then he promptly says, "6". To others, it may seem too trivial a thing to notice, but to me, that is both precious and adorable.
Willam has finally taken the plunge last month, to submit his resignation letter. He had been working under a bullying boss for almost two years. I was touched to hear that he put up with it only because he wanted to provide some stability for me (I was a stay-home mum until recently) and Joseph. William figured a permanent employment is better than one secured on a contract basis any day, as he already had a string of those prior to this current job. However he felt that it was now time to move on, and I do support his decision, especially since he had been sleep-talking for a few nights, something that he does only under extreme stress.
The following work day, William submitted his letter, and I couldn't forget the look on his face when he returned that evening. Indeed a huge load had been lifted from his back, he was care-free and nonchalant, but said that he will start looking for a new job immediately. He attended countless interviews since his resignation on 18 September, and finally yesterday, he received a call from a company with the good news that he had been selected for employment and could start work on 18 October. William was ecstatic and praising the Lord for His goodness. As for me, I'm just happy that he is happy, and fully trust our ever faithful Lord Jesus to put William in the right place at the right time.
Thank You, Lord, You are our Tower of refuge. You never fail us, but enable us to grow in faith and believe in Your promises. A true Friend who loves us at all times, even when we were unlovely. Who is like You? I am most blessed to know You and have You as my Lord and Saviour. All glory to Your name, amen!
The Lord will cause you and your family to increase greatly, in health, wealth and wisdom; cause your household to be flooded with fun and laughter always; restoring joy to you without fail! Luv you loads from 100,000 miles away...hee!
I'm happy 4 both of U. William will excel & as 4 Joseph, he has indeed progress alot. He is like my 2 sons, a great observer. U may never know, 1 fine day, he will juz "blah blah..." away sentences that will stunt U like Aloysius. I'm waiting 4 Matt 2 do dat too. Be patient, God is Good & He never fail 2 Bless u wif His Abundance. =)
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