
I wasn't exactly having the time of my life either, having got the "bug" from Joseph. Like him, the first three days was most challenging, I felt dozy though afternoon naps were never a habit for me. Big sneezes came on as suddenly as the coughing fits did, my face almost turned purple each time I tried to stifle the "explosions" till I'm safely out of Joseph's earshot if he happened to be fast asleep.
I hate cockroaches, I absolutely detest them! I saw one, just two Fridays ago and it totally freaked me out. I was just innocently doing my chores while Joseph was in school, when the hated-creature reared its ugly little head (plus body & antenna), as I was putting down some laundry on my sofa, for folding and keeping away a little while later.
It was so unexpected, meeting my arch-enemy this way, that I yelled with fright and almost jumped out of my skin! This insect-being, for three years I never saw one of them, the entire time I lived in my present home. Besides living on a high 23rd floor, it helps that all new flats are not fitted with a rubbish chute within its own unit. Residents on each floor (five households) share a common rubbish chute located next to the lift landing, outside of our homes. I'm fine with this arrangement. Well, elated, to be exact. For I know, the rubbish chute is an ideal breeding ground for these invertebrates, but as they have neither regard nor respect for home boundary, they happily trespassed on our property, violating our peace of mind, anytime they wish. But, that was in my previous abode; as mentioned, the new flats nowadays are fashioned just the way I like it, at least where rubbish chutes are concerned.
What did I do next? The best course of action would be to leave, of course. Get out of the house! I did just that, after I slowly unfroze from the corner I hopped into while yelping. I was rooted to the same spot for about ten minutes only. I whiled away the time hyper-ventilating.
But once I had let myself out of the front door and locked the gate behind me, my heart stopped racing at 200 miles/hour. It's all gonna be alright, now that my sanity had gradually seeped back into my head as the lift descended to the ground floor. Call William, oh yes, that's what I should do.
The moment I heard William's voice on the other end of the line, I broke down and sobbed like a baby, "William, it's horrid, there's a cockroach in the house, I was bringing in the laundry, yucks, the silly thing was hiding in a towel, it crawled out, now I dunno where it is, for so long I never saw a cockroach, I got a big fright, I'm downstairs at the void deck now, I'm not going home till you come back from work, I'll walk around the estate, bye!" Sanity back in my head? Not quite yet.
Okay, I wasn't exactly proud of myself, how I reacted to the whole situation. Anyone who keeps a respectful distance from, say, a spider, or a lizard, will fully understand this emotional experience I just had. It was very draining, both to body and soul. I had ever witnessed how one single cockroach, air-borne with kamikaze inclinations, reduced a big grown man to a cowering heap. I shuddered with him from my safe corner.
Yep, this is an area I would like to overcome. Fear cripples you, no matter how small in measure, it still is a weakness. For years, I had evaded this dreaded topic, now I finally am ready to confront the issue.
Dear Jesus, I know this irrational fear is not supposed to stay on with me. Greater is He that is in me, why should I fear a thing so small, and allow it to rob me of my shalom peace? Yet I know I can't overcome by my own strength, except by You, through You, and with You. Thank You, Lord! You are my Deliverer from this fear, amen!