Hello... Blogspot!

Wow, at last I have access to my own blog. Was unable to post anything here the past few months because of new changes within blogspot.com, I've got to sign up a google account before I am given the green light for "landing". Guess I was just plain lazy, putting off trying till now.
Three months into my new permanent job and I'm feeling the drain already. I was ecstatic at the opportunities given initially, I had the chance to attend Infection Control Course, Customer Service Course, ENT Lecture and Allergy Seminar.
I felt breathless at times with my wide job scope, or maybe I just had been working part-time for far too long.
Besides assisting doctors in their consultation rooms and with minor surgical procedures, I have to do Financial Counseling (plus surgery listing) and be the Infection Control Liaison Nurse (ICLN) of my unit. I am also learning under the sub-specialty Allergy Nurse about Inhalant Allergy and Food Allergy because besides carrying out these allergy tests, we have to counsel and advise the patients according to what their tests results show. A few of our doctors are conducting specific research on allergies in Singapore so there is plenty of paper work, documentation, data collection, etc.
National University Hospital is also having Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation next week. These Health Experts from USA will perform a walk-about in our hospital throughout the whole of next week, auditing the various departments and (hopefully) tracing a seamless workflow focusing on patients' care & safety. So you can imagine the frenzy and stress every staff is under, scurrying about making sure all is in perfect order.
Being a fairly new staff, I feel tremendous pressure from my superior. Already the daily work routine is taking up all of my time, to be told to take over the ICLN portfolio with nothing to refer to is somewhat overwhelming. The two previous ICLNs who had resigned left nothing for me, not even a scrap of paper. I had to do up an Infection Control file from scratch. Sorry for my grousing-grumble here, I need an outlet, I do.
Okay, ventilation over. All said and done, I'm grateful to have a secure job. I'll surely breathe better and sound happier at my next blog posting, by then the JCI accreditation would be over and a big load would have dropped off from my shoulders, wahaha!
Why I have time to blog now is because I'm on mc today. Yesterday I felt very ill with giddiness and nausea. Am I pregnant?
let us know if u r really pregnant yeah ! :P
kekeke... not likely ba... i count my dates very carefully, hee heee...!!
ha! You'd never can be too sure about the dates...patterns can change for reasons like stress (from work), diet... ;)
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