Maybe Baby

My son Joseph is the source of my pride and joy (the highest form of joy originates from my Lord, of course). I simply love it when his face brightens up with a smile, exposing rows of neat, little white teeth. He's currently 19 months old, but he hasn't started speaking yet. I was told a baby should start calling "papa, mama" as young as 15 months.
I don't really care, he'll speak when he's ready. In the chinese culture, many elderly folks attest to the fact that boys do begin speaking later in life, some uttered their first words only when they turned 3 years old.
I am more bothered by the fact that he appears bored at times. He is showing signs of loneliness, which sets me thinking. Thinking of what? Why, of having another baby, of course!
You see, I had always thought that having one child is enough (just so I could resume my freedom, plus other conveniences, I'm shamed to admit). Won't he get real lonely, some friends asked. Oh no, I confidently replied. I'll keep him occupied, I'll teach him simple chores, he won't have an idle moment at home.
In reality, there's a time gap between babyhood and young childhood (the stage of being able to help out with chores). So now, he mopes about the house after tiring of his toys.
I began to understand the need for children to interact among themselves. When I pushed him in the pram for a walk around the neighbourhood, he always beams happily and babbles excitedly when other children comes in sight. Even better if they get within reach, his little chubby hands would reach out to touch or hold his new friends!
The doctor who saw Joseph also mentioned that the "only child" often grasp speech a little later than his peers, as children pick up from each other better than from adults.
Next month, Joseph is going to half-day childcare. Time for him to attend classes with other little friends. While he's settling down in school, I shall allow myself time to be mentally-ready for "big belly time" again, wahahaha...!
Yeah, I had discussed this matter with my significant other. We can plan for the second child once Joseph adjusts to his new environment.
Maybe baby... soon?
Hi, just to let you know the little lamb dropped by and linked you to her blog. Really glad to keep in touch with you in the cyber space like that! Just felt that this year will be a year of wonderful restoring of all our friendship. Sorry, I have been so busy with my work and life, that we all hardly get to meet up these days. But I am sure Papa God will give me the grace to make effort to meet up with you all more often this year! And meanwhile, Jia You, for your 2nd child!
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