At Times...

At times I wished I was prettier, slimmer, taller, richer, cleverer, stronger, braver... and the list goes on. Why?
Well, why ever not? Why can't I be the envy of other gals for a change? Why must I always be as a prop in the background no one notices or gives a second look to? If only I didn't have this button nose, or such oriental eyes, and teeth that badly need braces.
Why did I stop growing at 5-ft? I regularly ran, skipped, hopped when I turned twelve. I played netball, softball, volleyball (never was a spiker, though) in school. I learnt taekwondo and could execute the various kicks, practised to almost perfection (~ahem~ well, that's more than 10 years I can't... can't do the same).
Why do I have a voice most suited to reciting nursery rhymes? I sound slightly high-pitched, in a peculiar sing-song way. I don't grip people's immediate attention, and even when I do I'm almost always not taken seriously.
The truth of the matter is, even if I did have drop-dead gorgeous looks, I may find something else to pick on, like moaning about my eyelashes or something. Even if my height grew to 5-ft 6-in, I may say why not just another inch more, for that extra elegance and poise? Even if I had the authoritative voice of a supercareer woman in power suit, I may wish that I was more affable, and won popularity votes.
Want to hear a pretty, obvious fact? "No one is ever satisfied with where they are, or what they have".
So I just remind myself of the many blessings I should be thankful to the Lord for. Don't I have a responsible husband who works hard to bring the dough home, and an adorable son who's full of lovable antics? Don't I enjoy good health and have energy leftover to indulge in my personal interests? Don't I have understanding parents-in-law who never tries to drive a wedge within my home? Don't I have longtime loyal friends who likes me for who I am? So I can just continue being myself, with some imperfections here and there. As long as my loved ones around me aren't complaining, why should I?
Anyway, God's not finished with me yet. Remember that.
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