Newbie On The Blog

Wow, all this buzz about blogging and I'm finally doing it. Monkey see monkey do? Maybe, but it's not a crime. Hey, so what do I do, besides boring others with details of my life? Oh, I can write details of my family members' lives too? Cool! That's for whoever who cares to read, if you're not already too busy blogging yr own life out.
Okie, the reason why I'm here at my pc at 2.20 in the am hours is bcos I was juz back from a visit to the hospital. My one and a half year old toddler Joseph, suffered a partial dislocation of his left elbow, so we scooted off to the good ol' ER, with guilty daddy in tow (how William injured our son is another story, another day). I envisioned a long wait, so I had packed his hot water flask, cool water tumbler, milk powder container, baby biscuits, milk bottle, water bottle, diapers, blanket and a change of warm clothings. Why does all these preparation strangely sound as though we're going on a picnic in the park, rather than a trip to see the doctor?
Anyway, we got to see the paediatrician Dr Chew Su Yah, after a short wait (yippee!), and boy, was she good, she manoeuvred the elbow back in place, while still speaking to us, sparing us any apprehension had we known beforehand that she was going to do the "crick-crick" trick with her bare hands on my yelling son. All's well that ends well, praise the Lord, if it had been a young inexperienced doctor who saw my toddler, I'm sure Joseph would have at least been sent for an x-ray, resulting in a longer wait at the hospital, whereby then my picnic bag would come in real handy.
So that's the story, though it's rightfully an actual event. Okie, I had my fix, think I'll sleep soundly after this. Thanks blogspot, you rock big time!
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